• MakeNL Debian packages

    From Rj Clay@1:120/544 to All on Fri Jan 5 11:01:50 2018

    Last month I updated the system that hosts ftn.rocasa.net (1:120/544) from Debian v8 (jessie) to Debian 9 (stretch). I wanted to rebuild MakeNL for that in any case but also decided to update it to a more current version (I had been
    using v3.4.5) and I use the Debian package for MakeNL on the system, so I rebuilt it for v3.4.8. That has been installed.

    I built it for i386 and have it available for FREQ that way:

    makenl_3.4.8-1_i386.deb MNDEBX86

    The three archives for the debian source package is also available for for FREQ
    as MNDEBSRC.

    They are also available from the FTN package repository here for Devian v9 using
    the following sources line:

    deb https://ftn.rocasa.net/debian stretch main
    deb-src https://ftn.rocasa.net/debian stretch main

    Note that they are also available for both i386 & amd64 for Ubuntu Xenial & Trusty at the http://ppa.launchpad.net/ftnapps/main/ubuntu PPA. (It's also still available for Precise & Lucid but those are older.)


    Greetings, Rj Clay
    email: [email protected]

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.6.8 (GNU/Linux-i386)
    * Origin: ftn.rocasa.net (1:120/544)