• Did You Know? (05/10)

    From Bruno Barbiere@1:2320/100 to All on Wed May 4 22:57:46 2005
    � Debra Winger was the voice of E.T.

    � Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore
    Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt were all cousins through one
    connection or another. (FDR and Eleanor were about five times

    � The Earth-Moon size ratio is the largest in the our
    solar system, excepting Pluto-Charon.

    � Each unit on the Richter Scale is equivalent to a power
    factor of about 32. So a 6 is 32 times more powerful than a
    5! Though it goes to 10, 9 is estimated to be the point of
    total tetonic destruction (2 is the smallest that can be felt

    � Most snakes have either only one lung, or in some cases,
    two, with one much reduced in size. This apparently serves to
    make room for other organs in the highly-elongated bodies of

    � A twelve-foot anaconda can catch, kill, and eat a six-
    foot caiman, a close relative of crocodles and alligators.
    While these snakes are not usually considered to be the
    *longest* snake in the world, they are the heaviest,
    exceeding the reticulated python in girth.

    � Cinderella's slippers were originally made out of fur.
    The story was changed in the 1600s by a translator.

    � It was the left shoe that Aschenputtel (Cinderella) lost
    at the stairway, when the prince tried to follow her.

    � Cinderella is known as Tuhkimo in Finland.

    � If you come from Birmingham, you are a Brummie.

    � The names of all the continents end with the same letter
    that they start with, e.g. Asia, Europe.

    � There is a word in the English language with only one
    vowel, which occurs six times: Indivisibility.

    � The dome on Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home,
    conceals a billiards room. In Jefferson's day, billiards were
    illegal in Virginia.

    � According to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, it
    is possible to go slower than light and faster than light,
    but it is impossible to go at the speed of light.

    � In most advertisments, including newspapers, the time
    displayed on a watch is 10:10 because then the arms frame the
    brand of the watch.

    � Cleo and Caesar were the early stage names of Cher and
    Sonny Bono.

    � Ben and Jerry's send the waste from making ice cream to
    local pig farmers to use as feed. Pigs love the stuff, except
    for one flavor: Mint Oreo.

    � The "heat" of peppers is rated on the Scoville scale.

    � Until 1965, driving was done on the left-hand side on
    roads in Sweden. The conversion to right-hand

    � was done on a weekday at 5pm. All traffic stopped as
    people switched sides. This time and day were chosen to
    prevent accidents where drivers would have gotten up in the
    morning and been too sleepy to realize *this* was the day of
    the changeover.

    � In left hand drive countries, such as the UK, Ireland,
    Japan, and Australia, drivers sit on the right hand side of
    the car. Except for Sweden, where drivers sat on the left, as
    in North-America.

    � Japan is the third most densely populated country in the
    world. First is the Netherlands, followed by Belgium.

    � Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button. It was
    eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.

    � The "D" in D-day means "Day". The French term for "D-
    Day" is "J-jour".

    � Female orcas live twice as long as male orcas. The
    larger numbers of female orcas in a pod are because of the
    female's longer lifespan, not because the males have
    collected a harem.

    � Most spiders belong to the orb weaver spider family,
    Family Aranidae. This is pronounced "A Rainy Day."

    � The Mongol emperor Genghis Khan's original name was

    � Genghis Khan started out life as a goatherd.

    � The type specimen for the human species is the skull of
    Edward Drinker Cope, an American paleontologist of the late
    1800's. A type specimen is used in paleontology as the best
    example of that species.

    � The first word spoken by an ape in the movie Planet of
    the Apes was "Smile".

    � The two lines that connect your top lip to the bottom of
    your nose are known as the philtrum.

    � Facetious and abstemious contain all the vowels in the
    correct order.

    � The name Wendy was made up for the book "Peter Pan"

    � Hummingbirds are the only animals able to fly backwards

    � All the dirt from the foundation to build the World
    Trade Center in NYC was dumped into the Hudson River to form
    the community now known as Battery City Park.

    � The Holland and Lincoln Tunnels under the Hudson River
    connecting New Jersey and New York are an engineering feat.
    The air circulators in the tunnels circulate fresh air
    completely every ninety seconds.

    � The dirt road that General Washington and his soldiers
    took to fight off General Clinton during the Battle of
    Monmouth was called the Burlington Path.

    � The only social fraternity founded during the Civil War
    was Theta Xi fraternity, at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute
    in Troy, New York in 1864.

    � The Hudson River along the island of Manhattan flows in
    either direction depending upon the tide.

    � Several buildings in Manhattan have their own zip code!
    The World Trade Center has several.

    � Lucifer is latin for "Light Bringer". It is a
    translation of the Hebrew name for Satan, Halael. Satan means

    � "adversary", devil means "liar".

    � A cat's jaws cannot move sideways.

    � Geller and Huchra have made three-dimensional maps of
    the distrubution of galaxies. In each layer of the map some
    galaxies are grouped together in such a way that they
    resemble a human being.

    � Avocado is derived from the Spanish word 'aguacate'
    which is derived from 'ahuacatl' meaning testicle.

    � The company providing the liability insurance for the
    Republican National Convention in San Diego is the same firm
    that insured the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic.

    � Telly Savalas and Louis Armstrong died on their

    � Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.

    � Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture

    � The smallest port in Canada is Port Williams, Nova

    � The Canadian province of Newfoundland has its own time
    zone, which is half an hour behind Atlantic standard time.

    � Cats in Halifax, Nova Scotia, have a very high
    probability of having six toes.

    � The second longest word in the English language is "antidisestablishmenterianism".

    � Rats like boiled sweets better than they like cheese.
    Big Ben was slowed five minutes one day when a passing group
    of starlings decided to take a rest on the minute hand of the

    � The Velvet Underground was named after a book on the S&M

    � The Velvet Underground's first manager was Andy Warhol,
    who also produced their first album and designed the cover
    artwork. The cover artwork for the album (called "The Velvet
    Underground and Nico") featured a bright yellow banana that
    could be peeled off to reveal a bright pink banana
    underneath, with the label "Peel Slowly and See." "Peel
    Slowly and See" is the title of the Velvet Underground
    comprehensive boxed set, which is the only currently-
    available Velvet Underground recording to feature a peelable
    banana. The peelable banana caused substantial delays in the
    production of the VU's first album and contributed to Lou
    Reed's firing Andy Warhol as the group's manager.

    � The "wild" horses of western North America are actually
    feral, not wild.

    � Native speakers of Japanese learn Spanish much more
    easily than they learn English. Native speakers of English
    learn Spanish much more easily than they learn Japanese.

    � New Zealand kiwis lay the largest eggs with respect to
    their body size of any bird.

    � Elephants have been found swimming miles from shore in
    the Indian Ocean.

    � When two words are combined to form a single word (e.g.,
    motor + hotel = motel, breakfast + lunch = brunch) the new
    word is called a "portmanteau."

    � Sting got his name because of a yellow-and-black striped
    shirt he wore until it literally fell apart.

    � Every photograph of an American atomic bomb detonation
    was taken by Harold Edgerton.

    � The topknot that quails have is called a hmuh.

    � Dr. Samuel A. Mudd was the physician who set the leg of
    Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth ... and whose shame
    created the expression for ignominy, "His name is Mudd."

    � The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen

    � The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint -- no two
    lions have the same pattern of whiskers.

    � There is a type of parrot in New Zealand that likes to
    eat the rubber strips that line car windows.

    � New Zealand is also the only country that contains every
    type of climate in the world.

    � Cockroaches' favorite food is the glue on envelopes and
    on the back of postage stamps

    � In 1969, the last Corvair was painted gold.

    � Ralph Kramden made 62 dollars a week.

    � The only way to stop the pain of the flathead fish's
    sting is by rubbing the same fish's slime on the wound it
    gave you.

    � Betsy Ross was born with a fully formed set of teeth.

    � Betsy Ross's other contribution to the American
    Revolution, beside sewing the first American flag, was
    running a munitions factory in her basement.

    � Devo's original name was going to be De-evolution. They
    shortened it to Devo.

    � Steely Dan got their name from a sexual device depicted
    in the book 'The Naked Lunch'.

    � Bob Dylan's real name is Robert Zimmerman.

    � Andy Warhol created the Rolling Stone's emblem depicting
    the big tongue. It first appeared on the cover of the 'Sticky
    Fingers' album.

    � Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr were the two left-handed

    � Chris Ford scored the first ever NBA three-point shot.

    � Of all the East Coast States, New Hampshire has the
    shortest coastline, about fourteen miles.

    � New Hampshire is also the only State name the has four
    consecutive consonants in it (in the same word).

    � Ontario is the only Canadian Province that borders the
    Great Lakes.

    � Alaska has the longest border with Canada of all the
    fifty states.

    � Montana has the longest border with Canada of the lower
    forty-eight States.

    � Montana also borders the most Canadian Provinces of all
    the fifty states. It borders three of them.

    � Arkansas is the only US State that begins with "a" but
    does not end with "a". All the other States that begin with
    "a", Arizona, Alabama and Alaska, also end with "a".

    � Only three angels are mentioned by name in the Bible:
    Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer.

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    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)