• get new node no.

    From Carol Shenkenberger@1:2320/100 to Janis Kracht on Wed Jun 25 22:19:02 2014
    Re: Re: get new node no.
    By: Janis Kracht to Carol Shenkenberger on Thu Jun 19 2014 07:20 pm

    Hi Carol,

    Please see my message to Jehad posted tonight :) We need more
    from him. He filled out an application twice at the Zone 1 site and I replied to him twice, and sent the info that he sent to Ward twice, but
    need more :(

    Saudi Arabia has been listed in Zone 2 in the past, btw..

    Take care,

    *** Quoting JEHAD ZAMEL from a message to carol shenkenberger ***

    I setup new bbs so i fill the fidonet form to get new node number
    but nothing happen i check my email daily but no respond what should
    i do.

    Jehad, where do you live? With that info we can help out.

    Dear i live in jeddah ,saudi arabia

    Cool! I am not totally sure but I think technically Saudi Arabia
    falls under 'Asia' which means traditionally you'd be the farthest
    western bit of zone 6. However, we disbanded zone6 2 weeks ago. Being
    right on the edge between 2 zones, you can go with zone2 if you wish
    but I am not sure if you would like that the Regional Coordinator is I
    am pretty sure, in Israel. I don't know ho active that 'RC' is, only
    that I havent seen a post from there in a long time. It could be they
    are active, but not in the echos I travel.

    If you wish to link in via the area where we moved all Asia remaining
    nodes, you fall under Steve Asher 3:800/0. He is on the other side of
    the world from you but a very good fellow. Lives in Southern

    Saudi Arabia has had nodes in the past, mostly listed in Zone2
    (Europe) but we all understand if there is a political complication in
    listing you under Isral nets. Being on the farthest edge of 'Asia'
    you probably thnk of yourself as more European than 'Asian' (AKA
    Japan, China etc) but technically if I am right, the 'Middle East' as
    it is called, falls under Asia as a continent designation. Your Zone
    Coordinator 2 weeks ago was me believe it or not! We took all the
    remaining nodes in Zone6 and placed them under Steve Asher.

    Steve is both POTS (old telephone modem connection) and Internet
    accessable. I will find his email address for you. Because he is CM
    (always online) you can dial him and deliver a netmail anytime that
    suits you. Email is also very workable and you should get a reply in
    a day or so to either email if you leav him your address, or a netmail
    waiting for you to pickup (because he won't hav a way to dial you
    directly back to deliver if you have a phone line).

    Oh, if you do not have a phone line connected to your computer, it's
    ok in zone3 where Steve is. If you need an address to plug into your
    setup as a temporary, feel free to use 3:800/201.2 which would be a
    temporary point off m address.

    I just peeked in the nodelist and didnt see any other Saudi Arabia
    nodes nor anything that seemed close to there other than Israel.

    If email is easier for you, I can be reached at [email protected]
    and from there, I can get you in contact fast with several people who
    can get you liste quickly while the details are sorted out to your

    ! Origin: BBS Networks @ www.bbsnets.com 808-839-6036 (1:10/345)

    The site you are using right now to reach us is run by Todd Cochrane.
    I will try to send you a netmail at that address but do not know if
    Todd has netmail available to his callers.

    Previous Zone Corrdinator, Z6 Asia

    Ok, MAJOR time warp. These messages spring from just before i left Japan in 2007.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    # Origin: Shenk's Express, shenks.synchro.net (1:275/100)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:2320/100 to Carol Shenkenberger on Wed Jun 25 22:47:02 2014
    Hi Carol,

    The site you are using right now to reach us is run by Todd Cochrane.
    I will try to send you a netmail at that address but do not know if
    Todd has netmail available to his callers.

    Previous Zone Corrdinator, Z6 Asia

    Ok, MAJOR time warp. These messages spring from just before i left Japan in 2007.

    Yep.. very old.. :)

    Extreme indigestion at Bjorn's site <g>

    Take care,

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    # Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:2320/100 to Jehad Zamel on Sat Jul 30 18:02:16 2016
    Re: Re: get new node no.
    By: JEHAD ZAMEL to carol shenkenberger on Thu Jul 28 2016 03:10 pm

    Hi Jehad. I know we took a big dupe loop a bit ago so not sure if this is a valid message? Technically you fall in what was Z6 but we disbanded Z6.

    about me i live in saudi arabia saudi is big land and Riyadh, the capitol city of Saudi Arabia, is one of the worlds fastest-growing capitols, and it may even be the fastest. It has grown and expanded over a relatively

    I can see you are looking to change software and are posting from a region independant Z1 number. Can you tell me what you are looking for post dupe loop?

    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
    # Origin: Shenk's Express, shenks.synchro.net (1:275/100)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Allen Prunty@1:2320/100 to Carol Shenkenberger on Fri Aug 5 05:18:38 2016

    Please check your configuration as this is the 10th amendment echo... this isn't something that falls under states rights.


    On Jul 30, 2016 06:02pm, Carol Shenkenberger wrote to JEHAD ZAMEL:

    Re: Re: get new node no.
    By: JEHAD ZAMEL to carol shenkenberger on Thu Jul 28 2016 03:10 pm

    Hi Jehad. I know we took a big dupe loop a bit ago so not sure if this
    is a valid message? Technically you fall in what was Z6 but we
    disbanded Z6.

    about me i live in saudi arabia saudi is big land and Riyadh, the
    city of Saudi Arabia, is one of the worlds fastest-growing capitols,
    it may even be the fastest. It has grown and expanded over a relatively

    I can see you are looking to change software and are posting from a
    region independant Z1 number. Can you tell me what you are looking for post dupe loop?

    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
    # Origin: Shenk's Express, shenks.synchro.net (1:275/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)

    ... Platinum Xpress & Wildcat!..... Nice!!!!
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    # Origin: LiveWire -=* Louisville, KY USA *=- LiveWireBBS.Com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)