• FidoNews 34:20 [00/07]: The Front Page

    From FidoNews Robot@1:2320/100 to All on Mon May 15 00:04:30 2017
    The F I D O N E W S Volume 34, Number 20 15 May 2017 +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
    | |The newsletter of the | | |
    | | FidoNet community. | | Netmail attach to (POTS): |
    | | | | Editor @ 2:2/2 (+46-31-960447) |
    | | ____________| | |
    | | / __ | Netmail attach to (BinkP): |
    | | / / \ | Editor @ 2:203/0 |
    | | WOOF! ( /|oo \ | |
    | \_______\(_| /_) | Email attach to: |
    | _ @/_ \ _ | b @ felten dot se |
    | | | \ \\ | |
    | | (*) | \ ))| |
    | |__U__| / \// | Editor: Bjorn Felten |
    | ______ _//|| _\ / | |
    | / Fido \ (_/(_|(____/ | Newspapers should have no friends. |
    | (________) (jm) | -- JOSEPH PULITZER | +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+

    Table of Contents
    1. FOOD FOR THOUGHT ......................................... 1
    2. GENERAL ARTICLES ......................................... 2
    A DS-Lite emulation experiment ........................... 2
    3. JAMNNTPD SERVERS LIST .................................... 5
    The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project ....................... 5
    4. FIDONEWS'S FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING ...................... 6
    5. SPECIAL INTEREST ......................................... 13
    Statistics from the Fidoweb .............................. 13
    Nodelist Stats ........................................... 14
    6. FIDONEWS INFORMATION ..................................... 16
    How to Submit an Article ................................. 16
    Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability .................. 18

    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    # Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From FidoNews Robot@1:2320/100 to All on Mon May 15 00:04:30 2017
    FOOD FOR THOUGHT =================================================================

    I personally stay away from natural foods;
    at my age I need all the preservatives I can get.

    -- George Burns.


    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    # Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From FidoNews Robot@1:2320/100 to All on Mon May 15 00:04:30 2017
    GENERAL ARTICLES =================================================================

    A DS-Lite emulation experiment
    By Michiel van der Vlist (2:280/5555)

    Presently I have a native dual stack connection from my ISP. So I
    have both public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for my binkp server.
    This luxury may not last forever. The IPv4 address pool has been
    depleted and so ISPs are starting to put new customers on so called
    DS-Lite. This means customers will have fully functional IPv6 but
    they will not have a public IPv4 address. For IPv4 they will be
    behind a Carrier Grade NAT or GCNAT. A CGNAT is basically the same
    as the NAT running in your home network, with the difference that it
    is run by the ISP, and the customer has no access to the port
    forwarding tables. And so they can not accept incoming calls on IPv4.

    DS-Lite will not stop at new customers. It is foreseeable that
    existing customers will be affected too. I would not be surprised
    if my ISP puts me on DS-Lite between now and five years and that the alternatives will be economically unattractive.

    To be prepaired I ran some experiments to test if it would be doable
    to run a Fidonet node from a DS-Lite connection. Presently there are
    two nodes in the nodelist that carry the INO4 flag, indicating that
    they can not accept incoming IPv4 connects. But these are not the only
    node of the listed sysop. They have at least one other node listed
    that can accept incoming IPv4. I wanted to test if it is doable if the
    node is the only listed node of the sysop in question.

    With 50+ registered IPv6 capable nodes, I think the Fido IPv6 club
    has gained critical mass and so running a DS-Lite node would be doable
    But of course the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    So I did two tests. The first test was a seven hour run on Saturday
    May 6th 2017 from 11:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC.

    I did this:

    o I configured my binkp server to only listen on IPv6.
    ( listen [::] in binkd.cfg )

    o I polled every IPv4 only node with whom I had a password protected
    link every 30 minutes.

    The result of this test was encouraging. Only one sysop asked me why I
    polled his system every 30 minutes, the rest of Fidonet did not seem
    to have noticed anything at all. I did not seem to have missed any
    mail either.

    The second test was a 24 hour run from Friday May 12 12:00 UTC until
    Saturday May 13 2017, 12:00 UTC. On Tommi Koivula's suggestion I also
    removed the A record for my nodelisted host name.

    The result was the same as for test #1. Nobody complained and no mail
    was lost. The preliminary conclusion is that running a Fidonet node
    from a DS-Lite connection is doable.

    There was one thing that was a bit problematic though. When I am on
    the move, I run a point system on my laptop to keep in touch with
    Fdionet. This won't work when I am on an IPv4 only network since I can
    not connect with my IPv6 Boss Node from there. Most public WiFi
    networks on campings and hotels are still IPv4 only. And so are nearly
    all 3G/4G mobile operators in Europe I am afraid.

    Running a SixXs AYIYA tunnel on my laptop would have solved that
    problem, but alas, SixXs is closing down in less than four weeks, so
    that won't be the solution. Then Tommi Koivula half jokingly suggested
    I try Teredo. I thought Microsoft had switched off the Teredo relays
    and servers many years ago, but to my suprise they are still there.

    It so happened that I spend a few days on a camping in Belgium last
    week. The Wifi there was brand new. Excellent coverage and reasonable
    speed. Alas, no IPv6. So a perfect opportunity to test if I could
    reach my IPv6 binkp server at home using Teredo. So I first enabled
    Teredo. From the command line in a window with administrator rights:
    (Windows 7)

    netsh interface teredo set state client

    To make it work properly I also had to disable isatap:

    netsh interface isatap set state disabled

    The Teredo tunnel was slow and I got lots of timeouts but it was just
    good enough for a Fidonet connection between a point and his boss.

    Then when I came back home, I tried the same by making a connection
    via my FON spot. The FON spot is IPv4 only, so that looked like a good
    way to test the connection. It did not work. The diffenerence between
    the FON spot and the WiFi on the camping is that the FON spot is a
    cascaded NAT. Teredo apparently does not work from beheind a double

    It is no big deal. I probably have some more time to find a solution
    for this and the test was if it is doable to run a DS-Lite node in the
    network, not if it can support mobile points or users.

    Conclusion: Running a Fidonet node from a DS-Lite connection is doable
    It is not perfect, Dual Stack is still preferable, but as the number o
    IPv6 capable nodes rises, it will get better and it is not worth to
    invest lots of money for additional incoming IPv4 capability.

    I hope this will inspire others to do similar tests.

    (C) Michiel van der Vlist, all rights reserved.
    Permission to publish in the FIDONEWS file echo, the FIDONEWS dis-
    cussion echo and the FNEWS_PUBLISH echo as originating from 2:2/2.


    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    # Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From FidoNews Robot@1:2320/100 to All on Mon May 15 00:04:30 2017
    FIDONEWS'S FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING =================================================================


    BBS Software List

    Updated 2017-05-14

    Maintained by Andrew Leary (1:320/119)
    Editors Emeritus: Robert Couture, Janis Kracht,
    Sean Dennis

    M=Mailer T=Tosser B=BBS D=Door C=Comm/Terminal
    P=Points E=Editor I=Internet U=Utility #=Info
    F=TIC/SRIF Processor

    *=Software is available and may be registerable,
    but no longer supported or updated.

    @=Website is operating but is no longer updated.

    ?=Software's updating/support status is unknown.

    O=Software is open source.

    This list contains BBS-related software that is available
    for registration (not necessarily supported), open source
    software and actively developed/supported software by its
    author. Software listed may be available for DOS, Linux,
    OS/2 (eComStation), Windows (16 or 32 bit) and OSX.

    .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
    |Software: Author |Type |URL, Contact, Ver, Notes Help Node|
    `- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'


    Argus |MI*? |http://www.ritlabs.com/en/products
    | | /argus/
    | | v3.210 on 2001-03-29

    BinkleyTerm XE |MO* |http://btxe.sourceforge.net
    | | 2.60XE Beta-XH7 on 2000-10-22

    BinkD |MI? |http://binkd.grumbler.org
    | | [email protected] 2:463/68
    | | v.1.0.4
    | | v.1.1a-95 (alpha)
    | | ftp://cvs.happy.kiev.ua/pub/fidosoft
    | | /mailer/binkd/
    | |http://www.filegate.net/r50/aftnbinkd/

    D'Bridge |MTCPE|http://www.net229.org/dbridge.htm
    |I | 1:1/130
    Nick Andre | | v3.99 SR 12 on 2017-02-27

    FIDO-Deluxe IP |MPUI |http://www.fido-deluxe.de.vu 2:2432/280
    Michael Haase | | [email protected]
    | | v2.4 on 2003-09-26

    FrontDoor, FD/APX: |MITPC|http://www.defsol.se 2:201/330
    Definite Solutions |? | [email protected]
    | | v2.26SW & v2.33ml FD, v1.15 APX

    Husky Project |MTPUI|http://husky.sourceforge.net/
    |EO? | v1.9 RC2 on 2010-04-20

    Taurus |MI |http://www.fidotel.com/public/forums/
    (based on Radius) |? | taurus/index.htm
    | | v5.0 on 2006-06-12
    | |

    T-Mail |MI |http://www.tmail.spb.ru (Russian only)
    |? | v2608 on 2001-12-12

    AfterShock |MTEI |https://play.google.com/store/apps/
    Asvcorp | | details?id=com.asvcorp.aftershock
    Anatoly Vdovichev | | [email protected] 1:1/140
    Rudi Timmermans | | v1.5 on 2013-11-10

    HotDogEd |E |https://play.google.com/store/apps/
    Sergey Pushkin | | details?id=com.pushkin.hotdoged
    | | v2.11 on 2015-06-24

    HotDogEd FidoNet |MTI |https://play.google.com/store/apps/
    Provider | | details?id=com.pushkin.hotdoged.fido
    Sergey Pushkin | | v2.11 on 2015-06-24

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Crashmail II |TO |http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net/
    | | crashmail.html

    FastEcho |T |http://www.softeq.de/old/Products
    | | /FastEcho/fastecho.html
    | | v1.46.1 on 2007-11-13
    | | Registration keys are free & available
    | | by request from the author

    Fidogate |TUI? |http://www.fidogate.org
    | | v4.4.10 on 2004-08-27
    | |

    FMail |TO |https://sourceforge.net/projects/fmail/
    | | v2.0.1.4 on 2017-04-21

    JetMail: JetSys |TU |http://www.jetsys.de [email protected]
    (ATARI ST only) | | v1.01 on 2000-01-01

    Squish |T* |http://www.filegate.net/maximus_bbs/
    | | v1.11R2 on 2009-01-01
    | | Source code available in Maximus BBS
    | | archive: http://maximus.sourceforge.net

    WWIVToss |T |http://www.weather-station.org/wwiv/
    | | v1.51 on 2015-05-23

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    BBBS |BICTM|http://www.bbbs.net 2:22/222
    | | [email protected]
    | | v4.01 on 2007-01-28

    EleBBS |BO*? |http://www.elebbs.com
    | | v0.10.RC1 on 2002-06-09

    Enthral BBS |B |http://enthralbbs.com 1:250/501
    Linux/BSD/OSX | | v0.429/Alpha on 2010-10-14
    | | Fidonet filebone SCENEENT

    Ezycom BBS |BT* |http://www.ezycom-bbs.com 3:690/682
    | | v2.15g2 on 2009-11-16

    GT Power |B |http://www.gtpowerbbs.com/
    | | v19.00

    Hermes II Project |BT |http://www.hermesbbs.com/
    Macintosh-based | | [email protected]
    | | v3.5.10b3

    Maximus BBS |BO* |http://www.filegate.net/maximus_bbs/
    | | v3.03
    | | Source code available at:
    | | http://maximus.sourceforge.net/

    MBSE BBS |BMTFI|http://sourceforge.net/projects/mbsebbs
    |PO | [email protected]
    | | v1.0.7 on 2017-03-23

    Meltdown BBS |UIO |http://meltdown-bbs.sourceforge.net/
    | | v1.0b on 2004-04-26

    Mystic BBS |BMTCE|http://www.mysticbbs.com
    |IO | v1.12 A32 on 2017-05-04

    RemoteAccess BBS |B? |http://www.rapro.com 1:1/120
    | | [email protected]
    | | v2.62.2SW

    Renegade BBS |B |http://renegadebbs.info 1:129/305
    | | v1.10/DOS on 2009-10-03

    Spitfire BBS |B? |http://www.buffalocrk.com/
    | | [email protected]
    | | v3.7 on 2010-01-01

    Synchronet BBS |BTIO |http://www.synchro.net 1:103/705
    | | v3.16c on 2015-08-15

    Telegard BBS |B* |http://www.telegard.net
    | | v3.09g2-sp4/mL on 1999-12-19

    WildCat! Interactive |MTBEI|http://www.santronics.com
    Net Server, Platinum| | [email protected]
    Xpress: Santronics | |
    Software, Inc. | | v7.0 AUP 454.5 on 2016-06-23

    WWIV BBS |B |http://www.wwivbbs.org
    | | v5.00 on 2015-12-14

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Allfix |FIUT |http://www.allfix.com/ 1:140/12
    Bob Seaborn | | v6.0.22 on 2011-01-26

    NEF/pk |F |http://nefpk.8m.com/
    | | v2.45b2 on 2000-03-05

    TinyTIC |FO |http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net
    | | /tinytic.html
    | | 1:120/544

    VIReq |FO |http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net
    | | /vireq.html
    | | 1:120/544

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Cheepware |DU |http://outpostbbs.net/cheepware.html
    Sean Dennis | | [email protected] 1:18/200
    | | Fidonet filebone CH-WARE

    DDS (Doorware |D@ |http://www.doorgames.org
    Distribution System)| | [email protected]
    Ruth Argust | |

    Jibben Software |D* |http://www.jibbensoftware.com/
    | | bbs-door-games.cfm
    | | [email protected]
    | | 1995-99 Release dates

    John Dailey Software |DU |http://www.johndaileysoftware.com

    Shining Star |D* |http://www.shiningstar.net/bbsdoors/
    | | [email protected]
    | | Doors are registerable via website

    Sunrise Doors: |D |http://www.sunrisedoors.com
    Al Lawrence | | [email protected]
    | | Tel: (404) 256-9518

    T1ny's Software |DU |http://www.tinysbbs.com/files/tsoft/
    Shawn Highfield | | [email protected] 1:229/452
    | | Fidonet filebone CH-WARE

    The Brainex System |D |http://www.brainex.com/brainex_system/
    | | [email protected]
    | | 1994-99 Releases

    Trade Wars |D* |http://www.eisonline.com/tradewars/
    | | [email protected]
    | | v3.09 (DOS-32) in 2002

    Vagabond Software |DU* |http://vbsoft.dhakota.org
    | | [email protected]
    | | Last update: 2008-04-11

    WWIVEdit |DE |http://www.weather-station.org/wwiv/
    | | v3.0 on 2011-06-27

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    CrossPoint (XP) |P? |http://www.crosspoint.de (German only)
    | | [email protected]
    | | v3.12d on 1999-12-22

    FreeXP |P |http://www.freexp.de (German only)
    | | [email protected]
    | | v3.42 on 2010-06-27

    FidoIP |PO |http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki
    | | /fidoip/
    | | v.1.0.5 on 2010-12

    OpenXP |PIO |https://sourceforge.net/projects
    | | /openxp5/ 2:240/2188.31
    | |http://openxp.uk Windows/Linux
    | | [email protected] English/German
    | | v5.0.28 on 2016-09-10

    WinPoint |P? |http://www.winpoint.org
    | | English/German/Spanish
    | | v5 (Beta Release) on 2017-03-17
    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    GoldEd+ |EO |http://golded-plus.sourceforge.net/
    | | v1.1.5 (Snapshot) on 2015-11-30
    | | NOTE: Unstable versions released often

    SqEd32 |E |http://www.sqed.de 2:2476/493
    | | v1.15 on 1999-12-15
    | | Website is in German and English

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Ifmail |UIO |http://ifmail.sourceforge.net
    | | [email protected]

    Internet Rex |UI? |http://members.shaw.ca/InternetRex/
    | | telnet://xanadubbs.ca 1:342/806
    | | v2.29 on 2001-10-21

    JamNNTPd |UIO |http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net
    | | /jamnntpd.html
    | | 1:120/544

    Luckygate |UO | ftp://happy.kiev.ua/pub/fidosoft/gate
    | | /lgate
    | | [email protected]

    MakeNL |UO |http://makenl.sourceforge.net
    | | v3.4.6 on 2016-12-01

    RNtrack |U |http://sourceforge.net/projects
    | | /ftrack-as 2:5080/102
    | |[email protected]
    | | v1.32 on 2011-04-29

    TransNet |UIO? |http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mressl/
    | | transnet/index.html
    | | [email protected]
    | | v2.11 on 2007-09-13

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Telnet/Dialup BBS |# |http://www.telnetbbsguide.com 1:275/89
    Guide | | Maintained by Dave Perrussel
    | | This is probably the most updated BBS
    | | list on the Internet for a general
    | | BBS list.

    Synchronet BBS List |# |http://www.synchro.net/sbbslist.html
    | | Maintained automatically
    | | This list is specifically for
    | | Synchronet-based BBS systems and is
    | | automatically updated nightly.

    The BBS Corner |# |http://www.bbscorner.com
    | | This website is more than just files,
    | | it's an encyclopedia of knowledge for
    | | BBS sysops and people who want to
    | | become sysops. This site is run by
    | | the same person who does the Telnet
    | | BBS Guide.

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+

    File Archives:

    http://sysopscorner.thebbs.org (site is no longer maintained)
    http://hobbes.nmsu.edu (OS/2 specific)
    http://www.filegate.net/ (FTP access via port 60721)

    Note: Most also provide FTP access (use ftp instead of http above)

    The BBS Software List is published weekly in the FidoNews.

    If you have corrections, suggestions or additions to the information
    above, please contact Andrew Leary with your information via the
    FIDONEWS echo or netmail at 1:320/219.

    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    # Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From FidoNews Robot@1:2320/100 to All on Mon May 15 00:04:30 2017


    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    # Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From FidoNews Robot@1:2320/100 to All on Mon May 15 00:04:30 2017
    SPECIAL INTEREST =================================================================

    Last week's statistics from the Fidoweb
    By EchoTime, 2:203/0

    (Some nets may have lost their last
    digit for technical reasons)

    pkt (toss-toss) msg (write-toss)
    nodes mean dev no mean dev no

    154/* 11.1m 16.0m 219 1.2h 3.5h 219
    221/* 17.8m 25.3m 267 6.3h 6.9h 267
    240/* 13.9m 14.8m 4 7.9h 10.7h 4
    249/* 16.0m 23.7m 254 2.7h 6.9h 254
    266/* 4.8m 10.3m 299 2.7h 11.4h 299
    280/* 15.8m 24.3m 207 3.0h 4.1h 207
    292/* 4.5m 1.7m 20 0.0h 0.1h 14
    320/* 20.9m 26.8m 145 3.1h 8.5h 145
    423/* 13.8m 25.4m 5 6.7h 0.3h 5
    502/* 20.6m 29.6m 6 0.1h 0.0h 6
    640/* 10.8m 19.9m 98 12.0h 7.2h 98

    Sigma 13.4m 21.6m 1524 3.8h 8.0h 1518

    Nodelist Stats

    Input nodelist nodelist.132
    size 217.8kb
    date 2017-05-12

    The nodelist has 1331 nodes in it
    and a total of 1937 non-comment entries

    including 4 zones
    29 regions
    174 hosts
    108 hubs
    admin overhead 315 ( 23.67 %)

    and 127 private nodes
    67 nodes down
    97 nodes on hold
    off line overhead 291 ( 21.86 %)

    Speed summary:

    >9600 = 76 ( 5.71 %)
    9600 = 531 ( 39.89 %)
    (HST = 8 or 1.51 %)
    (CSP = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (PEP = 1 or 0.19 %)
    (MAX = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (HAY = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (V32 = 278 or 52.35 %)
    (V32B = 38 or 7.16 %)
    (V34 = 356 or 67.04 %)
    (V42 = 285 or 53.67 %)
    (V42B = 40 or 7.53 %)
    2400 = 4 ( 0.30 %)
    1200 = 0 ( 0.00 %)
    300 = 720 ( 54.09 %)

    ISDN = 63 ( 4.73 %)

    IP Flags Protocol Number of systems -----------------------------------------------------
    IBN Binkp 777 ( 58.38 %) ----------------------------------
    IFC Raw ifcico 103 ( 7.74 %) ----------------------------------
    IFT FTP 58 ( 4.36 %) ----------------------------------
    ITN Telnet 156 ( 11.72 %) ----------------------------------
    IVM Vmodem 14 ( 1.05 %) ----------------------------------
    IP Other 6 ( 0.45 %) ----------------------------------
    INO4 IPv6 only 2 ( 0.15 %) ----------------------------------

    CrashMail capable = 914 ( 68.67 %)
    MailOnly nodes = 525 ( 39.44 %)
    Listed-only nodes = 52 ( 3.91 %)

    [Report produced by NETSTATS - A PD pgm]
    [ Revised by B Felten, 2:203/2]
    [ NetStats 3.8 2014-11-23]


    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    # Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)