• Weather post...

    From Allen Prunty@1:2320/100 to All on Mon Mar 6 08:17:40 2017
    As you can see below there is not an origin line on this post... I'm not the only BBS that has no origin line. I have seen a few I telnetted in that have appended origin lines to it but they are not mike's origin line.

    Message Information/Kludge Lines -------------------------------- When written time: Sun Mar 05 2017 07:01 am EST When imported time: Sun Mar 05 2017 11:14 am EST MSG ID: 1:2320/107.99 58bc19f4 Area tag: WEATHER

    Unknown (160): PID Internet Rex 2.29 To: [email protected]

    Seen-by: 34/999 90/1 116/18 120/302 331 128/187 140/1 218/700 222/2 230/150 240/1120 249/303 250/1 261/38 100 266/404 267/155 280/1027 282/1056 292/908 320/119 219 340/400 393/68 396/45 712/848 801/189 2320/100 105 2320/107 3634/12

    Path: 2320/107 105 261/38

    From: NIU Weather Processor
    To: All
    Subj: HVYRAIN: Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2017 18:52:14 -0500
    From net address: 1:2320/107.99
    ID: <[email protected]>

    = = =
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    --- SBBSecho 3.00-Win32
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)