• Third beta release of WinRAR 3.30!

    From Sean Rima@1:2320/100 to All on Fri Dec 12 16:13:24 2003
    WinRAR - Newsletter 5/2003
    Issue: December 10, 2003

    Welcome to the fifth edition of the WinRAR Newsletter!
    You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to it.
    Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of this e-mail

    This newsletter contains the following topics:

    1. Third beta release of WinRAR 3.30!
    2. What is a beta version?
    3. How to upgrade your old version?
    4. WinRAR Survey - Tell us Your Opinion and Win Great Prices! ======================================================================
    1. Third beta release of WinRAR 3.30!

    RARLAB and win.rar GmbH have released the third beta of WinRAR 3.30.

    Changes in WinRAR 3.30 beta 3:

    1. Volume size autodetecting did not work properly with
    self-extracting volumes.

    2. Combintion of -v -st switches could produce corrupt volumes.
    Now RAR automatically turns off -v in such sitution.

    3. "Rename" command did not work in the flat view mode for files
    in archive subfolders.

    4. Command line -f and -u switches could fail to work when
    extracting files.

    Be the first to download the trial version of WinRAR 3.30 beta 3 here: http://www.win-rar.com/index.php?aid=download

    2. What is a beta version?

    A beta version, as opposed to a final version, is software that is
    undergoing its final stages in testing. We release beta versions to our customers so that the final set of bugs can be found and eliminated
    from WinRAR.

    More detailed infos can be found here: http://www.win-rar.com/index.php?aid=download
    (Please press the "What is a beta version?" link)

    3. How to upgrade your old WinRAR version?

    Upgrading is quick and easy. Users only need to download WinRAR 3.30 at http://www.win-rar.com/index.php?aid=download and install the newest
    version of WinRAR to continue using the best compression tool around!
    Please close all open WinRAR archives and exit WinRAR before installing.
    No complicated uninstalling of the previous version is necessary.

    4. WinRAR Survey - Tell us Your Opinion and Win Great Prices!

    WinRAR is constantly improving. As we want to keep improving in the
    future your opinion is very important to us! In order to make our
    product better fit to meet your needs, we need your help and would
    appreciate it if you would fill out our questionaire on www.win-rar.com.

    Please use the "WinRAR Survey" link to start the WinRAR Survey.

    The questionaire covers several topics from WinRAR specifics to
    copmression in general. Completing the questionaire should not take
    longer than 5 minutes.

    Your answers will only be used for product improvement.
    Of course, we will keep all your data strictly confidential and we
    will not pass your data on to any third parties.

    We want to thank everyone who helps us and will give away licenses
    of other excellent software programs (ACDSee, Cyberlink, TheBat! etc.).

    We hope to see you at www.win-rar.com soon.
    Tell us Your Opinion and Win Great Prices!

    Do you need technical assistance?

    Please feel free to search for all kinds of information on WinRAR/RAR
    within our "Knowledge Base" at http://www.win-rar.com/index.php?aid=knowl.

    At the moment our database contains 196 articles in 42 categories.

    The knowledge base is constantly improving as we are adding more
    interesting information and features.

    Please send any requests for improvements to [email protected].


    ../ win.rar GmbH Brotstrasse 4 54290 Trier GERMANY
    ../ [email protected] (mail) www.win-rar.com (web)

    WinRAR is written and developed by Eugene Roshal (Russia).
    It is win.rar GmbH?s task to handle all technology, support, marketing

    -- sean
    TCOB1.net mailing lists http://mail.tcob1.net/mailman/listinfo
    --- timEd/Linux 1.11.b1
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