• Any Terminate Expert here

    From Al Kaiser@1:142/926 to All on Fri Dec 8 08:55:44 2017
    I am wondering why I an unable to do maintainance on my terminate. I can not trim the size of message files using the ALT M command, Nothing happens when
    I do it. I can Pack the areas, (Maybe) but if I try to trim the messages to say the lat 90 days nothing happen.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all too.

    Al Kaiser [email protected] <=-

    Have a nice day, All!

    Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 08-Dec-2017 at 8:56.
    Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet : [email protected]

    .!. I am Dyslexic of Borg ... Merry Ho ... Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!
    --- Terminate 5.00/Pro
    * Origin: Terminate + SmartNote + Internet = Simply the best! (1:142/926)