• ArchLinux

    From BCW142@1:124/5013 to GRYPHON on Thu Jan 31 19:20:24 2019
    Re: ArchLinux
    By: Gryphon to Access Denied on Sat Aug 23 2014 21:05:00

    My only attempt at installing Arch Linux was on my Pi. It seemed to install great, but then *after* the install it wanted to configure the swap space. But there was no more space on the drive to add it, because it was all used during the install. Is that a problem that is specific to the Pi install? Can it be worked into the initial installation, so that I don't have to configure swap after the fact?
    Something is odd there, swap was no problem and I had installed Arch on two SD cards when I was frist using my Pi. I do find it odd they use SD space for swap, but they do with that weird /dev/mmcblk0pX stuff where X is 1-9, hmm my current swap doesn't show up that way with Raspbian, but it is only 102396. Was that on 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G? The current normal is 8G and it's enough for quite a bit. I just setup a B+ with 3T USB drive (MyBook). If you have hard drive space you can make a small swap partition with gparted or the like and use swapon and swapoff in the scripts to use it. I often do that by hand on my USB Stick installs as it depends on the system I boot with them and swap isn't used much except for web broswers.

    � Synchronet � fatcats bbs - fatcatsbbs.com
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From GRYPHON@46:1/116 to BCW142 on Thu Jan 31 19:20:24 2019
    On 09/17/14, bcw142 said the following...

    Re: ArchLinux
    By: Gryphon to Access Denied on Sat Aug 23 2014 21:05:00

    My only attempt at installing Arch Linux was on my Pi. It seemed to in great, but then *after* the install it wanted to configure the swap spa But there was no more space on the drive to add it, because it was all during the install. Is that a problem that is specific to the Pi insta Can it be worked into the initial installation, so that I don't have to configure swap after the fact?
    Something is odd there, swap was no problem and I had installed Arch on two SD cards when I was frist using my Pi. I do find it odd they use SD space for swap, but they do with that weird /dev/mmcblk0pX stuff where X is 1-9, hmm my current swap doesn't show up that way with Raspbian, but
    it is only 102396. Was that on 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G? The current normal is
    8G and it's enough for quite a bit. I just setup a B+ with 3T USB drive (MyBook). If you have hard drive space you can make a small swap
    partition with gparted or the like and use swapon and swapoff in the scripts to use it. I often do that by hand on my USB Stick installs as
    it depends on the system I boot with them and swap isn't used much
    except for web broswers.

    Migrating to a different OS is on my plate of things to do, not just for the Pi, but for my BBS machine. I'm going to try to resintstall Arch on the Pi
    and see if I can catach any issues like this on my 2nd time around. I have an 8GB card, so there's plenty of room.

    "No matter where you go, there you are!" - B. Bonzai

    --- Mystic BBS v1.10 A51 (Linux)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | Cyberia.Darktech.Org | Kingwood, TX (46:1/116)
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