• MediaHost BBS

    From rudi.timmer@[email protected] to alt.bbs.allsysop on Fri Aug 16 01:14:24 2013
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop


    Is there someone that can help on a copy of MediaHost BBS v1.50 please ?

    --- Synchronet 3.17a-Linux NewsLink 1.108
  • From mro@[email protected] to rudi.timmer on Fri Aug 16 19:20:23 2013
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop

    To: rudi.timmer
    .,: This is something about MediaHost BBS,
    rudi.timmer said it to alt.bbs.allsysop on Fri Aug 16 2013 01:14 am --����������������������-����---���������������---���������--��������

    Is there someone that can help on a copy of MediaHost BBS v1.50 please ?

    why, so you can get a crack and charge for registrations
    from medihost bbs too?

    --- Synchronet 3.17a-Linux NewsLink 1.108
  • From JTK@[email protected] to nospam on Fri Sep 27 22:27:04 2013
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop


    Is there someone that can help on a copy of MediaHost BBS v1.50 please


    There are other bbs programs out there like Pcboard & mystic.
    Free Access
    50,000 available files
    2,000 message bases
    Online Games
    Lot more.

    telnet://bbs.cyberchatnet.com 23

    --- Synchronet 3.17a-Linux NewsLink 1.108