From matt.gilbert@[email protected] (Matt Gilbert) to alt.bbs.allsysop on Wed Feb 24 09:32:30 2010
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop

    I am setting up a dialup BBS (for starters) and am using Wildcat BBS
    4.10 for DOS. I don't have a user manual for setting up and the help
    files don't seem to have someof the basic info I need

    The BBS 'works' but everyone, including myself, the sysop, is NEWUSER
    and I can't even find the sysop's menu?

    the 2 files that seem to be at the core of everything is makewild.exe
    and makemenu.exe which seems fairly preconfigured....

    anyone know how to 'upgrade' a newuser and how I can get my SYSOP status

    Matt Gilbert
    The Westburian BBS

    p.s. I was using TRIBBS software but can't seem to setup DOORS and I've
    always like Wildcat, at least from the callers perspective :)

    --- Synchronet 3.17a-Linux NewsLink 1.108
  • From bbs ads@[email protected] to alt.bbs.allsysop on Sat Mar 20 09:28:32 2010
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop

    On Feb 24, 10:32�am, [email protected] (Matt Gilbert) wrote:
    I am setting up a dialup BBS (for starters) and am using Wildcat BBS
    4.10 for DOS. I don't have a user manual for setting up and the help
    files don't seem to have someof the basic info I need

    The BBS 'works' but everyone, including myself, the sysop, is NEWUSER
    and I can't even find the sysop's menu?

    the 2 files that seem to be at the core of everything is makewild.exe
    and makemenu.exe which seems fairly preconfigured....

    anyone know how to 'upgrade' a newuser and how I can get my SYSOP status

    Matt Gilbert
    The Westburian BBShttp://westburian.site40.net

    p.s. I was using TRIBBS software but can't seem to setup DOORS and I've always like Wildcat, at least from the callers perspective :)
    you just have to tinker with it. that's how we all learned.
    nobody can 'help' you, it would rob you of the skills you would be
    building that would help you in the long run.
    people hang out on irc.bbs-scene.org in #bbs, maybe they could help
    --- Synchronet 3.17a-Linux NewsLink 1.108
  • From Robert Wolfe@[email protected] to alt.bbs.allsysop on Sun Apr 25 20:07:47 2010
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop

    On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, Matt Gilbert wrote:

    I am setting up a dialup BBS (for starters) and am using Wildcat BBS
    4.10 for DOS. I don't have a user manual for setting up and the help
    files don't seem to have someof the basic info I need

    The BBS 'works' but everyone, including myself, the sysop, is NEWUSER
    and I can't even find the sysop's menu?

    the 2 files that seem to be at the core of everything is makewild.exe
    and makemenu.exe which seems fairly preconfigured....

    anyone know how to 'upgrade' a newuser and how I can get my SYSOP status

    F9 at the local console will let you upgrade or downgrade users while they
    are online.

    --- Synchronet 3.17a-Linux NewsLink 1.108