• Native spirit BBS. . . , , ,

    From Rick@[email protected] to alt.bbs.doors on Thu Jan 17 21:38:17 2008
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.doors

    Native Spirit BBS
    Synchronet V3.14a
    Online 24/7
    Online Doors, games, BBS Utils.
    Comm. programs, and Files coming
    soon to choose from.
    DoveNet,Xpressit net, Black Five net,
    Paranormal net, amateur radio net,
    NewsGroups, and lots more to come

    FoodFight, BlackJack, Poker
    The Beast's Domain, Dragon's Hoard
    DoorMud, Ambrosia, Usurper, Atlantis
    ArrowBridge, Interstellar Annihilation
    Darkness v1.00, Gangland Wars
    Operation OverKill, PimpWars
    And lots more to come

    So stop in and take a look around...........
    Cherokee Kid
    Native Spirit BBS
    telnet://native1.synchro.net Or
    New board, old sysop...

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