• C-Net Empire-like game in the modern world

    From ekdikeo@[email protected] to alt.bbs.doors on Wed Jun 24 21:59:55 2009
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.doors

    Just wanted to let the world know I'm working on a Facebook version of
    the old Empire game .. :D

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  • From Jason H.@[email protected] to ekdikeo on Thu Jun 25 07:31:58 2009
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.doors

    To: ekdikeo
    > From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.doors

    Just wanted to let the world know I'm working on a Facebook version of
    the old Empire game .. :D

    that's cool but announce it when it's done.
    a lot of people announce stuff that they never finish. ;[

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