• Re: PCBoard today

    From bbs@[email protected] to alt.bbs.pcboard on Fri Oct 28 22:19:44 2011
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.pcboard

    dhbbs <[email protected]> wrote:
    dreaded wrote:
    On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 15:00:39 -0700 (PDT), Mew <[email protected]>
    On Aug 3, 1:40 pm, dreaded <[email protected]> wrote:
    On Wed, 29 Jul 2009 11:44:41 -0700 (PDT), Mew <[email protected]>

    Hi Mew.
    I ran Remote Access back in the '90's. Deathr0w from bbs-scene.org has >>>>>> got me building a PC board system now, but there is so much to
    configure! I do have a massive PPE collection. If you want I can put >>>>>> the collection up on my web server for you to download. I would guess >>>>>> the whole package would be less than 150 megs. I would love to help >>>>>> any way I can. Let me know.
    Hi, that will be very nice of you, do you have a lot of shareware that >>>>> I can put on my bbs too ? I am oriented my files to be retro, not
    offering update files because that can be found anywhere on the web
    Would you please private message me on bbs-scene.org IRC? I have some
    stuff for you.
    Sure, what is your nickname on the channel ?
    dreaded :)

    Im running 2 nodes of PCBoard
    you can check it out at.. dhbbs.dyndns.org
    I also write PPE's

    "PCBoard Lives"

    Cool, I will Check out your Bbs soon.
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