• PyPi supply chain attack

    From dont@[email protected] to comp.lang.python on Fri Mar 29 06:22:29 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python

    pypi halted new users and projects while it fended off supply chain attack https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/03/pypi-halted-new-users-and-projects-while-it-fended-off-supply-chain-attack/
    The malicious code is located within each package's setup.py file, enabling automatic execution upon installation.

    In addition, the malicious payload employed a technique where the setup.py file contained obfuscated code that
    was encrypted using the Fernet encryption module. When the package was installed, the obfuscated code was automatically
    executed, triggering the malicious payload. Upon execution, the malicious code within the setup.py file attempted to retrieve
    an additional payload from a remote server. The URL for the payload was dynamically constructed by appending the package
    name as a query parameter. The retrieved payload was also encrypted using the Fernet module. Once decrypted, the payload
    revealed an extensive info-stealer designed to harvest sensitive information from the victim's machine. The malicious payload
    also employed a persistence mechanism to ensure it remained active on the compromised system even after the initial execution."
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114