• Data Ethics (Virtual) Meeting

    From dn@[email protected] to comp.lang.python on Thu Apr 11 17:40:38 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python

    Virtual meeting, Wed 17 April, 1800 for 1830 (NZST, ie 0630 UTC)

    Data Ethics

    Emma McDonald is the Director of the Interim Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation at Stats NZ (New Zealand Government Department of Statistics)

    Emma will talk about why Stats NZ is establishing a Centre for Data
    Ethics and Innovation, and why it needs to be set up as a network that
    draws on and leverages knowledge and expertise across relevant work
    programmes and people across agencies. As an initiative, the Centre is
    there to help agencies develop and maintain secure and trusted data environments. A large part of this is drawing on a diverse network of
    people who can support the with sharing the importance of data ethics
    being a critical component of data driven technologies.

    Will be of-interest to Quants, Data Science, and Machine Learning folk;
    as well as those of us with wider interest in what should/not happen
    with personal, public, and corporate data...

    She will be wanting to hear what folk have to say, and is interested to recruit competent individuals for hui*, consultations, and the like.

    WebRef: https://data.govt.nz/leadership/the-interim-centre-for-data-ethics-and-innovation/
    from which you can access their Work Programme and Guidance developed

    Please RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/nzpug-auckland/events/299764076/

    * hui is the Te Reo Maori word for meeting or conference
    (Te Reo is one of New Zealand's official languages)
    Regards =dn
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Loris Bennett@[email protected] to comp.lang.python on Thu Apr 11 07:57:08 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python

    dn <[email protected]> writes:

    Virtual meeting, Wed 17 April, 1800 for 1830 (NZST, ie 0630 UTC)

    Data Ethics

    Emma McDonald is the Director of the Interim Centre for Data Ethics
    and Innovation at Stats NZ (New Zealand Government Department of

    Emma will talk about why Stats NZ is establishing a Centre for Data
    Ethics and Innovation, and why it needs to be set up as a network that
    draws on and leverages knowledge and expertise across relevant work programmes and people across agencies. As an initiative, the Centre is
    there to help agencies develop and maintain secure and trusted data environments. A large part of this is drawing on a diverse network of
    people who can support the with sharing the importance of data ethics
    being a critical component of data driven technologies.

    Will be of-interest to Quants, Data Science, and Machine Learning
    folk; as well as those of us with wider interest in what should/not
    happen with personal, public, and corporate data...

    She will be wanting to hear what folk have to say, and is interested
    to recruit competent individuals for hui*, consultations, and the

    What is



    WebRef: https://data.govt.nz/leadership/the-interim-centre-for-data-ethics-and-innovation/
    from which you can access their Work Programme and Guidance developed to-date.

    Please RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/nzpug-auckland/events/299764076/

    * hui is the Te Reo Maori word for meeting or conference
    (Te Reo is one of New Zealand's official languages)
    Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
    FUB-IT (ex-ZEDAT), Freie Universität Berlin
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Loris Bennett@[email protected] to comp.lang.python on Thu Apr 11 08:18:18 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.python

    "Loris Bennett" <[email protected]> writes:

    [snip (24 lines)]

    She will be wanting to hear what folk have to say, and is interested
    to recruit competent individuals for hui*, consultations, and the

    What is



    * hui is the Te Reo Maori word for meeting or conference
    (Te Reo is one of New Zealand's official languages)

    Sorry, didn't read to the end :-(
    This signature is currently under constuction.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114