• VS: VS: DNS Misconfiguration on- http://cyberia.net.sa/

    From Jukka Pakkanen@[email protected] to Tony Finch on Fri Jun 5 14:19:57 2020
    From Newsgroup: comp.protocols.dns.bind

    Yes but I think the rfc1537 refers, and the recommendation always was "localhost." hostname, which refers to name "localhost", not "localhost.domain". Then I guess, this was already wrong in the O'Reilly "DNS and BIND" book (have to check that), which I remember using as a guideline to set up our first domains/zones. And from that, the setting was copied later on to all new domains too.
    -----Alkuper�inen viesti-----
    L�hett�j�: Tony Finch <[email protected]>
    L�hetetty: 5. kes�kuuta 2020 16:09
    Vastaanottaja: Jukka Pakkanen <[email protected]>
    Kopio: Ond�ej Sur� <[email protected]>; [email protected]
    Aihe: Re: VS: DNS Misconfiguration on- http://cyberia.net.sa/
    Jukka Pakkanen <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thx for the info, had missed this one and actually we have that minor misconfiguration too. Have had since 1995 when started our nameservers
    and never noticed...
    Yes, it used to be recommended -
    But not any more, because -
    I also only found out about this recently(ish) - https://www.dns.cam.ac.uk/news/2017-09-01-localhost.html
    f.anthony.n.finch <[email protected]> http://dotat.at/ Tyne, Dogger: Northwest 5 or 6, backing southwest 6 to gale 8, then becoming cyclonic 5 to 7 later. Slight or moderate, becoming rough for a time. Rain or thundery showers. Good, occasionally poor.
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