• AW: NSEC3 salt change - temporary performance decline

    From Klaus Darilion@[email protected] to [email protected] on Tue Jun 9 17:31:50 2020
    From Newsgroup: comp.protocols.dns.bind

    -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
    Von: bind-users <[email protected]> Im Auftrag von Cathy Almond
    Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Juni 2020 14:30
    An: [email protected]
    Betreff: Re: NSEC3 salt change - temporary performance decline

    FYI this will be fixed in the June 2020 BIND releases (in 9.11.20,
    9.16.4 and 9.17.2):

    Great news. Thank's for the work.
    --- Synchronet 3.18a-Linux NewsLink 1.113