• Canadian registrars that properly support ipv6 and DNSSEC ?

    From Brett Delmage@[email protected] to bind-users on Tue Jul 7 13:38:13 2020
    From Newsgroup: comp.protocols.dns.bind

    Not quite on-topic, but consider this an essential element of making my
    BIND signing, authoritative server and name service work well.

    Does anyone know of or ideally have experience with Canadian
    (CIRA-authorized) and ideally _Canadian-based_ .ca registrars that handle DNSSEC and ipv6 properly?

    I've been using namespro.ca for years. They are friendly and responsive,
    but I still have to file a ticket to submit an ipv6 nameserver address or
    DS record. They have not moved ahead on this. Thankfully, these are not frequent activities.

    It would be nice to be able to automate it with an API, especially with
    newer support for key rotation. I guess I could automate sending of an
    email request to support using a BIND hook... :-p

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