• Re: SRV is not CNAME, was srv lookup in record

    From John Levine@[email protected] to bind-users on Sat Aug 22 13:58:06 2020
    From Newsgroup: comp.protocols.dns.bind

    In article <[email protected]> you write:
    On 2020-08-21 16:26, Marc Roos wrote:
    Is it possible to use srv lookups, like eg cname. I do not want to
    create SRV record, I just want to 'get' the ip addresses, that I would
    get vai srv lookup.

    SRV records are more than just pointers to a specific server, there is
    also the priority and weight that need to be considered at the
    application level.

    More importantly, SRV records have port numbers. In SIP, which seems to be
    the largest current use of SRV, as often as not the port number is different from the default 5060.

    SRV really is not like CNAME.

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