• PSA: Leaking Capacitor on Lacuna Planars

    From Tomas Slavotinek@[email protected] to comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware on Sun Mar 24 21:46:34 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware

    While checking a spare Lacuna board for damage, I noticed some wetness
    and corrosion in the RAMDAC area. The culprit is an incontinent
    electrolytic capacitor (C68): https://www.ardent-tool.com/76_77/Lacuna_C68_Photo.jpg

    It's a 10 uF / 25 V (d = 5 mm, l = ~5 mm) electrolytic cap.

    Thankfully, it's the only cap of that type on the entire board. The rest
    seem to be ok.

    After this discovery, I checked all my other Lacunas, and four out of
    four had the same issue (all from Greenock, UK - identified by the 55-
    plant code prefix in the unit's S/N).

    Check your Lacunas if you want them to survive. The electrolyte will
    damage nearby components/traces/vias if left unchecked!

    You can snip the sucker off if you don't feel confident about your
    soldering skills (left some of the leads left so you can pull them out
    later). It's just a bypass cap for the RAMDAC - the video subsystem will function without it (it may introduce some interference into the video
    output, but I have not noticed such side effects, at least not during POST). --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114