• Re: Snit's Dildos

    From Wolffan@[email protected] to alt.computer.workshop, comp.sys.mac.misc on Mon Jan 24 13:17:24 2022
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.mac.misc

    On 2021 Dec 11, Wilson wrote
    (in article <sp3a37$idb$[email protected]>):

    David Brooks wrote:

    Blau? Piss off

    What you snipped:
    "Snit already has more dildos and rubber toys than he can use.
    So does his wife.
    And so does a certain local reverend and school board member because
    for some odd reason snit cannot remember his own address when
    ordering his sex toys online.
    I'll bet the town of Prescott is a buzz with gossip regarding the
    Glasser family.
    Hey snit, are you having fun yet?"

    Are you full of envy that snit, his wife, his daughter are getting free
    sex toys?
    Publish your addy and I'll see if I can have a blow up doll or butt
    plug sent to you.
    Hopefully it doesn't go to the local vicar's address with your name on
    the address lable.
    Shit happens.

    David Brooks (BoaterDave)
    Jersey Cottage 86 Granary Lane
    Budleigh Salterton Devon EX9 6ER United Kingdom
    Phone: 44-1395-443340 (H) 07974-193550 (M)
    email(s): [email protected], [email protected]

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